Bel Canto S300 vs Channel Islands D-100

As both of these have excellent reviews (especially numerous for the D-100) I was wondering if anyone had heard them both and what your thoughts were. I'd be running them with a pair of Alons, no preamp. Thanks.
I have the D-200 and they sound fantastic.. I run my D-200's with a Modwright 9.0 SWL Pre Amp I can't comment on the S 300 I haven't heard them.
I have heard the D-200's and the S300 amps and both are excellent. However, the D-200's would clip when an electrical appliance would kick on in my house and I never had that happen with my Bel canto amps. I am currently running Bel Canto Ref 1000's for my front speakers, a S300 bi-amping my center channel, and another S300 powering my rear speakers. The S300 is more compact, sounds great, and never gets hot.
I am using a setup similar to that described by Gregc with 3 REF1000s up front and an S300 for the surrounds with satisfaction and without incident. In addition, while the REF1000s are nicely synergistic with some speakers (to be named), they have run everything I've tried with aplomb! (Just had to use that word.)
