Ayre vs VTL vs BAT

I currently have an Ayre V-5xe amp and K-5Xe preamp. I am thinking about upgrading my preamp and possibly the amp as well. I have auditioned a number of companies products including Aethetix, Ayre, BAT, Cary, CAT, and Levinson. So far, I liked the Ayre K-1Xe and BAT-51SE the best. The last preamp/amp combo that I wanted to try was VTL, but there are no dealers near me. Can anyone tell me what kind of sonic differences I will hear between the Ayre K-1Xe vs the VTL 7.5? How about the V-1Xe or V-5Xe vs the VTL 450 monoblocks? Please feel free to comment on the BAT vs the VTL products as well if you have experience there.
More air, larger soundstage, a more smooth sound, and better dimensionality with better reproduction of the small details are what I am looking for.
Having heard the V5xe,but not the others lately,perhaps I am in the wrong room.That being said the Ayre's layering and soundstage are first class/top shelf.Thinking a sideways move may not be your goal,but as usual synergy will be in the doing,not the the talking,good luck,Bob
VTL's are well worth it. Customer service has been fine. 6 years with their products, all very good. Highly recommended. Have heard good things about both others too but still prefer the VTL's for my use... you will like them too. Good luck.