My friend tried several amps with his Avalon Eidolons, (including Manley, VTL, Rowland, Classe, albeit none of the others on your list though), and finally has settled on the Lamm M2.2s (220 wpc). (He prefers having plenty of power with his Eidolons, as he likes lots of power reserve and a firm control on the bass response, which is why he went with the M2.2s vs. the M1.2s (110 wpc).)
I was so impressed with these amplifiers after hearing the effects to his already impressive system, that I bought a pair of Lamm M2.1s (200 wpc), (although I bought mine used, as I was short on funds). The Lamms added that touch of warmth to his system (and mine) that he likes (he had been trying out tube amps primarily), but it also brought his bass response up to its potential (that the tube amps just could not supply, and that the few solid state amps he did try, did provide). The Lamms provide the best of both worlds, in our humble opinions.
(The only cavaet is that the Lamms run a bit warm, and can warm up your room. I have no problem being a little warm, if it means getting that level of performance!)
My two cents worth.
I was so impressed with these amplifiers after hearing the effects to his already impressive system, that I bought a pair of Lamm M2.1s (200 wpc), (although I bought mine used, as I was short on funds). The Lamms added that touch of warmth to his system (and mine) that he likes (he had been trying out tube amps primarily), but it also brought his bass response up to its potential (that the tube amps just could not supply, and that the few solid state amps he did try, did provide). The Lamms provide the best of both worlds, in our humble opinions.
(The only cavaet is that the Lamms run a bit warm, and can warm up your room. I have no problem being a little warm, if it means getting that level of performance!)
My two cents worth.