A question regarding "tubes"

This may me a dumb question but does all tube products (amps, CD player and pre amps) roll off, or softens the highs and gives up some bass slam.
"Do all....".

Nope, not all, by a fair margin. Its all stereotyping.

Some tube amps can be fairly competent in both highs and lows, depends a lot on the interface with the speakers to which they are attached. In pre-amps and CDP's its more about a different type of sound than bass or treble energy.

I could as easily ask the question do all SS amps have exagerated damping which prematurely removes the trailing edge of signals making the bass seem tight but concurrently creating a cold clinical sound thru the mids and etched overly bright seeming highs.

But FWIW, as a gross generalization, its as tough a trick to buy inexpensive tube products with tight bass as it is to find inexpensive SS stuff that doesn't sound cold and clinical.

Hope that helps a bit.
Aball, You posted while I was typing.

I find your question interesting and your observation about 'matching' right on. I've had a BAT DK5 for some time and I always was less than happy with it, not unhappy mind you, just thinking it wasn't worth all of the loot. I recently picked up a Cary amp, warm in the bass and detailed in the upper mids & highs, but not 'bright' - great midrange. Perfect sounding combo? Not quite, but FWIW does it ever float my boat. Now if I could just get the bass from the Cary a tad tighter! Clearly its all about synergy. :-)
Agree totally with youz guyz..especially re: the BAT...not BAT knocking here, but less than happy would be a good sumation. Great mids..deep bass..but always seemed to roll off the upper mids/high no matter which tubes graced the equip.

Matching ( impedence and load) wise is key like mentioned..there are quite a diverse sound to tube components and how they ultimately sound in your syst.

its just the 'nature' of a tube vs a transister. some hit bass botes better than others, but tube gear is genrally pursued for audible virtues other than that low note.
Try an OTL for great bass and treble as well as a superb midrange in a tube amp. Atma-sphere does the entire spectrum very well. Bass is not "Krell-like" but is deep and tuneful. Highend shimmers and the mids are what you expect from tubes. Add a fast rise time for a great transient response with the OTL configuration and you get a great all around amp.