What are the best tube amps for Klipschorns?

I hav a pair of Klipschorns and a pair of LaScalas used together. With sensitivity of 104dB each, these don't need much power. I have a 125wpc Mark Levinson 334 ss amp now that has to be attenuated 20dB before it reaches the preamp. I'm after the bass punch and extreme detail of the ML, but in a lower powered, lower weight tube amp.
Hi Redwoodgarden,

I was wondering what transpired with your search for a tube amp that could match the Levinson 334?? Did you replace your existing pre amp and find something better?? Sorry for my being nosey but I have Klipschorns and a Levinson 334 and I'm also looking to find a pre amp that can go toe to toe with the 334.

In answer to your question: Wyetech.
Additional comment: Agree to consider warm tube preamp, would add to consider hybrid amps - Blue Circle, Butler, even Counterpoint/Alta Vista, et. al.
I can't imagine how a transistor amp could be preferred on a speaker like the Klipsch- unless one has never heard a decent tube amp! First off the Klipsch doesn't really play the bottom octave, so the idea that a tube amp would have less punch is irrelevant, not just because of the frequencies that are audible but also because the Klipsch is a very easy load for tube amps so there is no advantage that a transistor amp will have with 'current' *or* bandwidth.

Perhaps you might actually try a few of the better tube amps- Klipsch speakers certainly have the reputation that justifies a decent amp for them. Good quality output transformers are rated to 5Hz and a lower powered amp (under 50 watts) will have no trouble having bandwidth.

The idea that transistors play bass better than tubes is a myth from the bad old days- 2 or 3 decades ago. If you allow a story like that into your head you will miss a whole world of possibility.
At the risk of being accused of picking a fight with God, I respectfully disagree, Atmasphere. :-)

We have paired our Klipschorns with quite a few different amplifiers (Quicksilver, Audion, George Wright, McIntosh, Art Audio, etc.), both tube and SS. We happen to enjoy both. Yet there are distinct differences between them, particularly when it comes to the impact and definition of the bass, where SS has bested tubes every time. In addition, the SS lends a greater sense of speed and separation to the music, whereas tubes excel at humanizing tone. Does SS have the emotional impact that the tube amps do? No, not to my ear. On the other hand, while tubes/Klipschorns are distinctly more engaging during active listening, SS sounds remarkably more even and cohesive from anywhere outside the listening room, save perhaps a solo instrumentalist. When listening to Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, U2, or even big band, despite the fact that a 1W amp will drive the speakers to ear-bleeding volume level, the SS amp (we pair ours with a tube preamp) is much better at approaching lifelike dynamic heft than any tube amp I have tried, even 60W or better.

So it's settled...we need two systems!
You may want to consider the best of both worlds. An amp like the HK Citation II @ 60 wpc. It has solid state rectification with tube output. These amps give the great bass punch that you get from SS combined with the warm, revealing mids that you get with tubes. Good compromise choice.