Amp recommendations for Maggie 3.6?

I'm looking to spend up to $5000 for a new or used 2-channel amp. I listen to mostly classical and jazz. My present amp is a Musical Fidelity A3.2CR (130 /225w @ 8 & 4 ohms). Though I am in a mid-sized apartment, I find myself pushing the limits of the amp. I am seriously considering Odyssey Extreme monos, but am intrigued by the great press for Butler TDB220 and Moscode 401HR. Also considering used McIntosh, such as MC 402. I love the sound of tubes, yet don't want to sacrifice bass, imaging, or transparency. (I know--big wishes on a small budget!) I would appreciate your suggestions, as I have a disability which prevents traveling to audition equipment. Thanks
Wolcott P220-M monoblocks (220w) have sounded really good on the Magnepan 3.6 speakers in Slipknot1's system. You should be able to buy a used pair at the top end of your budget. In Slipknot1's system, the Wolcotts replaced Aragon Palladiums for a significant improvement. The impressive thing for me with the Wolcotts is how resolving they are with the Magnepans at low volume levels, but have no difficulty driving the speakers to volume levels that cause me to need to leave the room. They also deliver some of the best bass response I've heard from Maggies.
Bryston has always worked well for me.I had the 1.6's and before that the MG 1's.The SST series of course being the most preferred because of the power ratings and the low noise floor.Marry that up with a tube pre and you will have yourself a nicely balanced system.
I have Manley Reference 350's on my Maggies, and with 383 watts/channel they do just fine. I also have a Pass 350 and it's got more heft and authority, also a great amp but lacks the magic of the Manley's.

So many choices, so little time, so you pay's your money and you takes your chances.

the 3.6 s have ribbon tweeters. such devices can be ruthless in their presentation. i have not heard any solid state amps which i can listen to for more than 15 minutes.

i heard the wolcotts on the 3.6s earlier this year. that amp has characteristics of solid state. it is very unforgiving. if you like the razors edge, buy that amp.

if you prefer a little more forgiveness of bad recordings, look for the cj mv125. this is an amp that i want to own myself.

another possible choice, is an mfa vintage tube amp.

the classic tube sound is an excellent match with the 3.6 .
watch out for the modern tube sound and solid state.

you will get all the resolution you can handle along with the ear fatigue.
what you are reporting vis a vie the 3.6R/Wolcott presentation has not been my experience. the Wolcott P220 sounds nothing like a solid state amp. While it is true that the amp can control planars and electrostats like a solid state amp, it's resolving power and nueance rivals the best tubes have to offer. I have lived with the combination everyday for over two years, and have had many sets of ears through my listening room, and many comments have been to the effect that the combination produces some of the best music they have heard from Magnepans. There is a reason that many users of Magnepans, Soundlabs, and Martin-Logan use Wolcott amps. The only other tube amp that I have heard with Magnepans that would cause me to change is the remarkable Atma-Sphere MAII, also 220 watts, an OTL but enough to drive difficult loads with all the finesse and power one could desire. This of course at more than 2X the cost of the Wolcotts.