
Current system is Adcom 555 Amp
Adcom 565 pre
Rega Apollo
Totem Arros

Will improvement be seen in a change to NAD C72/Creek 5350 SE. Thanks for the feedback
add few bucks and get krell kav300i integrated for the radical improvement or plinius 8200.
I had the Adcom 555 amp and it was somewhat bright and harsh to my ears. I traded for Marantz reference series amps that are definitely warmer and more musical. I would next consider Jolida or Prima Luna as an upgrade. I have recently heard the Jolida 502B at 70 w/c and it would likely pair nicely with the arros.
As a tube gear owner for 23 years, I should remind you that these products require maintanence.

As regards room tuning, Warren is absolutely right. It took me about 3 years to tune the room I'm in now (been here 16 years). One of the easiest ways to reduce harshness is too get your listening seat away from the wall behind you. My head is 2ft from the back wall and just this move made a rather large improvement in naturalness. I also have strategically placed room tunes - ceiling corners, behind speakers, side walls. These also really helped smooth out the music and make it more real and natural. I've gotten to where I can hear the room as opposed to the speakers and can make adjustments to remove, as much as possible, that "room sound".
A few years back I swapped out my Adcom 565 pre for a Creek OBH-14 DAC/Passive pre. It absolutely tranformed my system and really got me back into "listening" and, consequently, audiophilia where I started upgrading everything else (and later the Creek preamp too). In other words, the 565 was the weak link in my system at the time, bettered by a much less expensive passive pre. I think a Creek 5350 SE would absolutely transform your system for the better, to the extent of a "whow" factor. Go for it.