Drubin - I think both the output of the source, and the input of the amp need to be taken into consideration. I think Herman is far more qualified to speak on that stuff judging from some of his contributions here. Ultimately Guy at Placette would be your best resource. The Nuforce amps have a 47Kohm input. The Placette has a 2Kohm output as I recall. Conventionally that is less than you want for a ratio (I seem to recall a 5:1 minimum), but I think you'd need to factor in the output of your sources. On the system mine sounds best on the input on the amp is only 10Kohms. I believe my source is 3V on the output. The same source downstairs did not work nearly as well with the Placette. Down there my amps have a 300K input. Also, keep your IC's from passive to amp short. I don't know if that's any help in terms of giving any clues as to what may be happening, but I'd say give Guy a call.