Is this upgrade worth it?

My friend has just got his mark levinson 333amp fixed and upgraded from mark levinson.Its still sealed from the company.My question is i'm thinking of selling my electrocompanient 220's(mono) for this amp.He want's $5000.00 for his amp.Is this amp that much better than what i already have?Or am i making a mistake?
Hmmm, from yr Electros' spec'd ~220W/8ohm, 1kHz, medium damping you'd be going to ~300W/8ohm, 1kHz, low damping with the MLs. Not much of a power/energy difference, I'm afraid.

Have you ever tried a very powerful amp on these spkrs -- just to compare & contrast "ease of drive" etc. Say a big Crown pro amp -- on loan of course??
I strongly suggest you try this, just to confirm it's the energy that's lacking (or not, as it were).
buy a Pass X350.5 for the same money. a friend sold his 333 for X350.5 and he is a MUCH MUCH happier man now.
No i havent tried any hi-current amp's on the speakers,but would love to. .What could make the sound just conk out when it's played a little louder?
Well if he is truely a friend, he would let you hear it in your room w/ your gear for a couple days. Then you would know if it was an upgrade or not. His asking price certainly doesn't say friend, IMHO. Considering most used 333's are selling for under $4K used. Did he spend well over $1K on this alledged upgrade (not including the repair fees)?

It could be me, but I've bought gear from friends, and I've sold gear to friends. We usually get a price discount in the friend's club. If someone wants me to pay more for an item than I could buy the same item for on AudiogoN, I wouldn't consider them a friend as much as I'd consider them a salesman. That's just my humble opinion.
