musical fidelity sound?

Do musical fidelity products (amp, cd player) have a signature sound? what is it?
my question was too vague. I am asking specifically about their cd players/dac if they have a distinct sound from other companies.
Back when I was very green about things audio and still believed reviews in the mags,I bought into MF gear heavily (A300 amp , A3 cd and XCan headphone amp).What a rude shock to find this stuff to be so dull,bloodless, and uninvolving.Sold it all off and took a 60% beating on A'gon and went with Cary.Now I am enjoying beautiful music.Live and learn.

I still get back to the words "elegant" and "refined" to describe the MF sound. In the CD PRE 24, I have what is in essence a Nu Vista DAC and CD transport and an A3 preamp. I am using it with a Prima Luna power amp. This is precisely the "ass backwards" way that most will set up a tube/solid state hybrid system. But, it works well for me.

I find the sound clear, detailed, and musical. If the sound goes harsh... it is because the actual CD was harsh at that point (try the Pagliacci recording featuring Bocelli).

What you will also find is that MF has its fans and detractors.

What speakers do you plan to use? This is probably as key a determinent as anything else to what you will hear. I have used MF equipment with 12 year old Acoustic Research 302 speakers and Rega Aras quite happily. I was at the NYC audio show a few years ago where the MF rep stated that most MF reps in the US use Thiele speakers with their MF equipment. Now, there was a sound to avoid at all cost. I wouldn't slam MF or Thiele, I just thought that the synergy was lousy.

Regards, Rich
I tried some of the older gear a few yrs ago. Like the A300 which was indeed some what lifeless too me. Never harsh or brittle just round and boring.Resolution and Neutrality wasn't its strong point that's for sure. The X stuff sounded just plain hi-fi too me. I haven't bothered with the newer interest in it.

Once bought used, you can normally get your money back out of it.. if it doesn't work out. So try a used CD player or Dac or both. You'll have to find out for yourself.

Good luck
I love MF sound,but are they using cheap selecter & volume?
My ex MF amp, A1X,A100,A3 had these problem.sound "de de" when turning the selecter (it means bad contact).
And Now, I'm using NuVista M3 , Problem occur again.