Tact Pre Amps 2.2XP

For some reason this post last wound up under "Speakers." Go figure. Anyway, I am thinking of purchasing one of these. There's a unit on Audiogon for $3495. Is it worth the investment?
I forgot to mention: Lyngdorf uses a 10" woofer that possesses extreme transient speed/efficiency. Available here: (http://www.audiosystems.com/NewComponents.html), as well as their complete corner-woofer system(You have to query him concerning the raw drivers). I believe the guy offers a kit form as well. With these 10's on the bottom: You don't need a monster amp, or have to worry about matching the transient response of your mains.
Thanks for all the comments and insight. The question is TacT 2.0S vs. 2.2 XP. I do have a 15" Velodyne subwoofer but live in a condo so it's in storage. I'm torn between buying something I can use now and upgrading later or growing into an overspec'd unit when I move in a few years.

The XP has WAY more functionality than a 2.0s. I've owned the 2.0s, the 2.2X, and the 2.2XP. The XP has processors so fast that ALL corrections are done instantaneously.

You don't have to use a laptop, but with the XP connected to the laptop you can play with XO frequencies, slopes, target curves, and even the unprecedented dynamic room correction, which is basically a variable loudness control.

Boz told me recently they're working on a crosstalk elimination function that will keep signals from the left speaker from going into the right ear.

This also shows something cool about the XP - it's still under software development where I doubt the others are. As they release new functions, they become available by easy download. It's not future-proof, but it is still current and a kick-ass piece of gear.

I don't have any experience with mods to the units, but I've heard nothing but good. One thing - I don't like the stock DAC sound. Maybe it's primarily the power supply or the DACs need better parts, but overall I have enjoyed outboard DACs out of the digital outs much more than the stockers.
Boz told me recently they're working on a crosstalk elimination function that will keep signals from the left speaker from going into the right ear.

Wonder what that does to the sweet spot.