Mark Levinson suggestion please

Always interested in the brand, however, never had the chance to try it. I am putting together a system for my friend which include a set of B&W N802 speakers, thinking about trying Mark Levinson amp(s) to go with them, I would appreciate suggestion as to the most cost effective "used" Levinson to get---hopefully under $4000, but will consider going over. Also, if home theater is a consideration, for the same budget, should I consider other brands?
I would suggest a Mark Levinson No. 23.5. Used it runs around $2,500.
It will have the oomph you need (@200 wpc) and will also have some of the best sonics that Mark Levinson ever put out, short of his monoblocks. (But those would cost a bit more.
My two cents worth.
I'm by no means a Levinson expert, but I understand the No. 23.5 to be a very fine used amp. You don't seem many of them for sale though, and usually they go fast when they come up. I always consider that to be a good sign when considering used gear.

BTW, I have a No. 23 that I'm pleased with...
I third the 23.5 (the 23 is OK but the 23.5 is truly special) There's one for sale on the Gon right now, unless it's sold -- they go fast.

It will work best using its balanced input, so plan on a preamp with a balanced output. A used Levinson 26s would be the perfect match -- if you can find one it will cost more than the amp! However there's a 28 preamp for $995 which would be a good match. It doesn't have the onboard phono, but you'd want an external phono preamp if you do vinyl.

If you want to do HT, you'll need a processor and a multichannel amp (or multiple amps.) All are available in the current Levinson line (at over ten times your budget ;--)