Hum/Buz fro JC1

Does any JC1'owners have this problem? Any recommendation and input to fix this problem is appreciated.

houstonreef, while I do not have the JC1, I did own the A21 and also had issues with the humm/buzzz. I found that the amp was very sensitive to how well the interconnect was seated. Only a slight mis-seat would cause a buzzz. Try wiggling the interconnect around and make sure it is pushed all the way in. I hope this helps.
Thanks for all response. First the system is connected to a dedicated circuit and the pream is Supratek Syrah (tubes). I am not sure it may be possible ics. I disconnect the powercord of the pre but still hear the noise. I then unplug the ics between pre and am. As the result the noise disappears. Any ideas?

Houstoneef, what components do you have connected to your preamp? Try disconnecting one component at a time from the preamp and see if the buzz goes away. If it does that's your problem. To fix the problem get a ground eliminator and inset in circuit between the preamp and the IC connected to the problem component.