@Whatthe, your comment is fair enough. I just made the point that I think if you're relying on sub-par setups at a show to form a view about a loudspeaker, you're likely to be misguided.
@David12, I understand your constraints given you've got limited opportunities to hear Magico and other speakers in well sorted rooms. Fyi, I wasn't suggesting you can't or shouldn't proffer an opinion on those speakers unless you'd heard them outside show conditions. I just suggested that you should not be so effusive in your comments if you're relying on auditions at shows and should keep an open mind.
Magico speakers are transparent to source, linear and generally neutral in tonal balance, so they demand an owner take care in matching upstream gear. The old saying "rubbish in, rubbish out" applies. Thus when 'philes post descriptions like "lean", "cold", "dry", "sterile"..it is often the upstream gear which is to blame. You could say they are honest, though as I said the S series are warmer, fully bodied & have a more relaxed presentation than the Q series.