Best amps for rock and heavy metal

I listen rock and metal more than 90% from Deep purple to metallica and pantera
Some dealers told me about mcintosh, krell and Levinson....
Anyone in this forum has experience with Accuphase A60 and P7000?

What's the best amps in your opinion.
Thank for reply
My killer metal combo is: Klipsch La Scalas (horns, 104db sensitivity), Quicksilver Horn Monos, Martin Logan Depth Subwoofer. Metallica and Pantera? Can't help you with that problem, too many Destruction and Celtic Frost shows to catch.
I think Audphile1's post is right on the money as far as this being an amp/speaker issue rather than just an amp issue. Dyanmic contrast is at least as much a function of the speaker as of the amplifier.

You see, we're used to thinking that our speakers give us 3 dB more output for a doubling of input power. In reality, most home audio speakers give us something closer to 2.5 dB for a doubling of input power. So when a 20 dB peak comes along (happens all the time), we only get about 16 or 17 dB. That missing 3-4 dB is called "power compression", and the result is a loss of liveliness.

Your JM Lab/Focal speakers are probably better than average when it comes to power compression, but they'll still compress significantly on peaks if you push them close to their 200 watt rated maximum input.

You mentioned a budget of $10-$15k. Assuming dynamic contrast is a high priority, I think you can do better for less money if you're willing to change speakers - instead of spending the full amount on amplification.

Audiokinesis, Audphile1 and all friends in this forum , thank for your suggestions.

I understand about record quality of most of heavy metal bands. It's very difficult to recorded louder and faster music (with small amount of money from back up company); Sad But True for metal throng.

About my speakers; I choose Electra 1027BE 'cos I love model, sound and it suitable for placed in my small room (without any room acoustic problem). If i have larger listening room, Diva/Alto Be or large JBL project (K2 project Be) may be my choice.

About amps; I'm interest in Mcintosh Mc501, Mark levinson model 432, Krell FBx400 or accuphase P7000/7100.
what's you (and other friend in this forum) think about these amps?

Thank for more replies
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