Best amps for rock and heavy metal

I listen rock and metal more than 90% from Deep purple to metallica and pantera
Some dealers told me about mcintosh, krell and Levinson....
Anyone in this forum has experience with Accuphase A60 and P7000?

What's the best amps in your opinion.
Thank for reply
Although I understand that you like your speaker very much, I don't think so that it with two 6.5 woofers is a suitable to playback for such a music you like. Whatever amplifier you use. 1027be with a nice tube amplifier is suit for chamber music and similar small scale music. For that music you like I would go for a speaker with 10 inch woofer to have the omph and bass slam. An old JBL, for example, for me the quentessential speaker for rock and metal. Taking into account global warming, I would not buy any classA heavyweight amplifier. A nuforce or similar class D amp with a PS audio powerplant does all the trick one needs, and offer more chance for the survival of the next generation of human beings.
I have to agree with the others above about your speakers .
I have owned two pairs of JM Labs Electra speakers and could not get them to sound good with rock music . Many people explained the problem to be the small bass drivers .
I was using a 200w/ch SS midfi amp .
I have auditioned them with some highend SS amps such as Levinson , McIntosh , Plinius , Classe and MF . None helped .
If I was looking for a rock speaker , I would look for something with a big fast woofer for impact and a soft tweeter (non metalic) to help with the edgy highs . I would also introduce some tubes in the mix to help tame the highs . I chose a tubed CDP and it worked quite well .

It has been a couple of months now , have you had any success with your quest ?

Good luck.
I play a fair amount of metal and have a lot of friends who play in metal bands too. But my system is all tube. My speakers are fairly efficient (97 db) and they go to 20 Hz, so with 60 watts I can play any volume I want and shake the house at the same time.

At work (Atma-Sphere) we have a number of LPs that get used a bass references (see One of them (Zoon, Fields of Nephalim) has enough bass to shut most systems down at the 'proper' volumes. Side 3, the side opposite the etched side of the LP has some particularly awesome material that makes you shiver :)

I find that the powerhouse transistor amps can't make the bass impact right. You really need tubes for that!
Best amp for rock I think Bryston 7 Bsst or Krell Ksa 250 any of those and your good especially for rock soild bass.
"I find that the powerhouse transistor amps can't make the bass impact right. You really need tubes for that!"

Not to get philosophical here, but this very much depends on your interpretation of what bass is. And that too, depends on a great many things, for one-your experiences.

To me bass does NOT roll away, sound muddy, or too rounded, and most tube amps I personally have heard do this to one degree or another. My interpretation of bass is having the ability to roll when it needs to roll (recording dependant) and SLAM! when it needs to slam. Which is why I find mixing a piece of tube with an agressive amp like Bryston, Krell, Pass etc. is simply a match made in heaven.