Thanks Boa2, In self defense, for the anal folks like me, I feel it necessary to editoralize on the issue of input sensitivity numbers and their actual meaning in practiceNo worries. It was obvious you knew exactly what the issue was, and if I wasn't such an "Ernie Einstein", I'd have let it Pass. Boy, I crack myself up! In truth, if not for having had this issue with several components, how it works would still confound me.
Tbooe, in response to your other thread, my suggestion would be to keep the Einstein, and have its gain reduced. It's an incredible preamp, IMO. The issue you're having is simple to fix, and worth the minimal effort. What you will notice when you have the gain correctly matched is a tremendous improvement in the highs, and an overall richening of the music.
If you like, I can send you some cheapie fixed attenuators to use until you get this resolved. Email me privately if you like.