Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less

Hello gentlemen.
I am on the market now for an all TUBE preamp. Linestage only. My budget is $12K new or used. A main criteria is this tube preamp must be "Noiseless".

My main beef with tube preamps in the past is the Noise. I want dead silence. No HUM, No Buzz just dead silence.You can literally put your ear to the chasis and hear nothing.

Is there such an all Tube preamp that is Dead Silent ?

I have a BAT Rex with a Krell 400e amp. The system is truly dead quiet. I have three dedicated lines for the AC into the system and I swear that regardless of volume level of the pre there is no noise NONE coming out of those speakers. The speakers are Revel Salon 2, with an Esoteric K-01 for the source, and the whole system sounds great.
LOL! This thread has been dead for almost 7 years now. Johngossman resurrected it by saying all tube preamps are dead quiet. So I guess that settles that. ;)
@ Bigkidz, LOl!, Your kidding right?, I am assuming you are having a little fun here!
My Mystere CA-21 is dead silent when on. No noise, no buzz, nothing. The only way I know it is switched on is by looking at the blue power light.