Top ten tube preamps

What are your top 10 tube line stage preamps of all time?
My personal favorites are:

Audionote (uk) M-10 (silly expensive and WAY too many big boxes, no remote control, but magnificent in the right system. The M-7 sounded very good at a LOT less money, though it too is pricey.

Emotive Audio Epifania (with teflon caps). This is the unit I own. It has some odd quirks (some "pinging noise from the signal tube (12B4)), but it is fantastic at preserving acoustic cues for the recording venue without being analytical sounding.

Kondo M1000. Similar to Audionote (uk) but, perhaps a touch brighter than the Audionote stuff. But, that is not a bad thing in the right system.

I have heard other linestages in systems that I was not familiar with where the system sounded great (so how bad could the linestage be?). Among such impressive systems I liked a Shindo linestage (sorry I don't know the model). The top of the line LAMM is also promising for its beautiful and cohesive presentation of harmonic structure of the music. For solid state, I heard a system with the top of the line Connoisseur and it is promising too. At a FAR lower price point, I like the Ayre linestage (open and airy on top).

I have never been a fan of Audio Research gear (way too lean, harmonically bleached and brittle sounding for my taste). But, I've now heard several systems that sounded pretty decent that used the Ref. 3. In one of these systems, I also heard the VTL 7.5 and both have similar sound and a worth a look at, given that they are a lot cheaper than the four I recommend above.
CAT SL1, Joule LA-150MKII, and Placette Active. I also enjoyed the Lamm LL2 while I had it.
Shindo Giscours is for now the best thing I have heard, by far.
Tonality, naturalness, weight, quite the perfection.

Try to find somebody who have already heard (REALLY) a shindo giscours or vosne romanee and prefer an other : noboby.
I haven't found anyone yet, but I also haven't found someone that has heard them either.