How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp

How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big Solid State power amplifier ? Such as a Big Threshold, Pass Labs, Krell, Levinson.

I am still not sure on using a line conditioner on my big power amps.

Thank you for your help.
Joe, I'd be curious to find out if Running Springs Audio would work good with Pass. Please post a reply if you get a chance to try it. I'm running the X250.5 direct without Hydra. I think I would like a conditioner/protection for this amp without sacrificing sonics.
I couldn't not of said it more perfect than you did:

" I would like a conditioner/protection for this amp without sacrificing sonics".

That's the answer I am trying to find. All I know Monster, PS Audio and Shunyata have all crapped out on my BIG BEEFY AMP. Running Springs may be the answer if I can find someone nearby with one.

May just to go custom with somebody that I know in the industry that can build me a Hi-end line conditioner that would support a BIG BEEF Amp, for the right price that is.
Uncontrolled bowel movements are also known as capriciously artistic discoveries.
Joe, I'm just curious, which Hydra were you using that 'crapped out' on you? Was it the Hydra 2? If so, what power cord were you using?

I ask, because this is the one that has the least amount of filtration, and is specifically designed for the high current amp applications, similar to the Duke in the RSA line.

In your application, the Hydra 2 is the only one in the Hydra line to try, and the Duke would be the only one I'd recommend in the RSA Line. Shunyata really should change the names of all of their conditioners like the RSA line, to avoid the confusion of just the one name. Different Shunyata power conditioners are for different applications in an audio system, just like the RSA line. RSA helps the consumer by giving their products different names, Haley/Duke/Jaco/etc. Shunyata confuses folks because the Hydra 2/4/6/8 have different applications, but some people just refer to them as Hydra's.
So if you didn't specifically listen to a Hydra 2, then you didn't hear Shunyata's best power conditioner for high current amplification. It's also best to use with a high current power cord, obviously. Many make the mistake of using the Hydra 2 with an inexpensive, 14 gauge cord, which obviously will restrict the performance.

I'd prefer not to be labeled Mr. Shunyata, but I do want to make sure we're comparing apples with apples. I would compare the RSA Duke with the Hydra 2, for ultra high current applications. I would compare the RSA Jaco with the Hydra 8 for full system's with standard high current requirements. The RSA Haley competes with the Hydra 6 as a full system with average current requirements.

Maybe a tad offtopic but anyone with experience or an opinion on using a MIT Shotgun AC1 power cord with their big or bigger or biggest amps? I use one with a Citation 7.1 amp. However I really have never compared it to anything else.

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