Audio Horizon Preamp

I've read glowing reviews from anonymous users about the audio horizon preamp. Unfortunately, we all know that some of these reviews may not even be real. Does anyone know if there are any audio publications that have tried this preamp. Surely, a preamp that's outperforming preamps at three times it's price should be drawing the attention of Stereophile and the like. Don't you think?
Kensetsu - I'm by no means an expert, but I would say that it definitely depends on your CD player. I have gone back & forth between passive and active more times than i would care to admit, and finally determined that there are no hard fast rules when it comes to this whole question.

Ironically, when I had CDP's with variable output/volume (Opera Droplet, Audio Aero Capitole II) they BOTH sounded better going through my then BAT VK3ixSE, as opposed to going "straight" direct to amps. (Seems like it should have been the other way around as these are both designed to run "direct").

Now, with my Esoteric UX-3SE, it was actually a tie between the BAT and my Reference Line Preeminence 2b, with some splitting of hairs in these two areas - the bass is slightly tighter and more authoritative with the active, but overall transparency and soundstage is better with the passive.

I am not parked in one camp or the other (passive vs. active) but I've always felt that the absolute BEST that an active preamp can do is leave the signal unscathed, and that this just seems impossible given the amount of circuitry the signal has to pass through from beginning to end. Unless you can afford the absolute BEST active preamp, in most cases a passive seems a slightly better alternative, IMO (and again, if your system is strictly CD based).

So again, what have I taken from all this so far?? It all depends on SO many variables - output impedence of source device, output voltage, interplay between source and amp, interconnect type and length, speaker sensitivity, etc., etc. (Also, BTW, I have found much better results using XLR balanced throughout).

I guess experimentation is always the key - good luck!
Try a TVC passive. I have the K&K TVC using S&B transformers. There are a number of people here impressed with the Prometheus which is low cost and has a 30 day trial. Bent Audio also has a TVC model that is extremel good. Lots of options.

Based on the response to the thread that I started compared to the other Audio Horizon thread (that's been maintained for about a year by a very small handful of people), I would say that things are looking very suspicious. Although 5 of the regulars on the other Audio Horizon thread emailed me within several days, I noticed that no one else has posted here on the Audio Horizon preamp since, and..... those 5 people (that post marketing responses regularly on the other thread) haven't posted anything further on this thread. Hmmn? There's a strong odor of Mackerel in the air. Anyway, I'm from the East Coast (with the typical New Yorker skepticism) and based on the response from one of the people that I've emailed about the Audio Horizon, I'm certain that at least one of the posters is affiliated with Audio Horizon. His response to my question had a very defensive undertone. However, one of the other people that responded sounded more sincere and although, some of the things that he said triggered my NYC scam alert, he may actually be nothing more than a satisfied customer. So... before we go on, this last statement suggests that I don't believe that everyone on that thread is affiliated with the manufacturer, but I'm 100% certain that at least some are. After all, how else could Audio Horizon hope to gain national recognition without spending advertising dollars.

That said, everyone be prepared for the insulting responsed to this post. If the people on the audio horizon website catch this, they're all going to jump all over me..... but before they do, I'd like to point out that I didn't say that every poster was a fake. I do however ask myself why the same people would perpetuate a single post for a year. Don't they ever get tired and move on to other subjects like normal people. Where are all the new satified customers? Shouldn't this post have a least 50 people on it by now? Anyway, I've gotta go, but be prepared for the nasty responses and counter accusations (smokescreens intended to detract from the real issue). These are the tools of the dishonest. It's really a shame that these (inexpensive) marketing ploys are necessary to get public attention. The fact is that it may actually be a real nice preamp. I think that Joe should send a review sample to the "Audio Critique" at This man's opinion seems to generate quite a bit of respect. That said, even the audiogoner known as "Jaybo" seems to be an incredibly honest and reliable source. I'd buy one if he said that the unit was one of the best that he's ever heard.

OK... I've gotta go, but I'm gonna start my stopwatch to see how long it takes for Audio Horizon posters to take it personally and write a nasty or condesending response.... not to mention personal attacks on my character or geographic location. Maybe even my typos. LOL!!! Sheesh! Anyway, I really would love to hear this preamp, but I'll probably

Since anything is possible, I'd also like to state that there is always the possibility that I could be completely wrong and that every single person on the other thread could be genuine... That no one associated with a new, up and coming, hungry, ambitious company, trying to be noticed, in a sea of other preamps, had anything to do with even a single post.