Jolida integrated amp for Thiel 2.3's?

The Thiel 2.3's that have been in my primary system are going into a backup system in the bedroom at my girlfriend's house, about 13 feet wide by 11 feet deep. The speakers will have to go agains the front wall, 6 inches out, right against a dresser on each side, with a low bed directly in front of them no options there. Given the acoustic limitations w/ this placement, plus my emphasis on spending for my primary system, I want reasonably cheap amplification w/ tubes in it. I'm wondering if the Jolida 1501A integrated, which has a tube preamp section, will perform reasonably well w/ my Thiels (they've previously been hooked up to Ayre separates). Otherwise, I'm considering something like the VTL 2.5 preamp w/ an Ayre V-3 amp, or possibly something like a Rogue Tempest II integrated. Cd player would be in the 1K range.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated.
Yes, the 2.3s are more efficient than most of the other Thiel speakers and are pretty easy to drive; the Jolida 1501RC should do a good job.
Rar1 nailed it! Floor standing Thiel's need room to breathe. While they haven't been released yet, I suspect you'll be better off trading down to the new Thiel SCS4's.
Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. The Thiels will need a temporary (year or two) place to go, so they may end up in the bedroom system in any case. On the other hand, I will check out monitors, including the SCS4's. I have some used Avalon Monitors sitting around, but they just haven't done it for me, especially in re. to lack of low enough bass response- though I do need to hook them up to adequate power to find out what they're capable of.