Is 5 Watts enough for Horns ?

How much power is enough to drive a 107dB sensitivity Avantgarde ?
Is 5 Watts from A 300B SET enough?
Consider that the Subwoofer of the Avantgarde has its own high power amplifier (each woofer 500 Watts)so the work in the bass department is largely taken up by the subwoofer amp.
I have seen McIntosh MC501 power amps connected to 107dB sensitivity Avantgardes and seldom did hit the 5 Watt mark on the meters when cranking the volume up to hurting levels.
0.5 Watts was what the meters show at normal listening levels.
The David Berning headphone amp only put out about 1 watt is plenty of power for my avantgarde horn..but I prefer the 300B amp for my horn..
Assuming the doubling of effective power per every 3db sensitivity increase (assuming both sensitivity and power are measured correctly), 5 watts at 107db is the same as 320 watts at 89db. For most 89db sensitive speakers, 320 watts would be considered fine and another 20% (5 to 6) would probably enough overhead.

I don't see a problem with 5 watts...
As long as it is tube watts and the speakers are efficient maybe 95 db and above, yours are extremely efficient at 107 db. From what I gather, 5 tube watts per channel are equal to about 15 watts of solid state power. I had a tube amp (push/pull) that was 8 watts per channel and my speakers have an efficiency of 110 db. I could drive my speakers to almost concert hall levels.
It should be enough in my opinion. I am running Welborne Labs SET 2A3 Moondogs-3.5 watts with a pair of 98.5db efficient 1981 Klipsch Cornwalls with upraded crossovers using Auricap capacitors.
The Moondogs will play plenty loud for me. Though I am not a metal headbanger.
Lonestarblues: no doubt, 3,5W sound OK on yr COrnwalls. BUT, try 20W capability and listen to orchestral music -- and I think you'll be surprised.

You've modded those Cornwalls I assume (nice spkrs)?