Jeff Rowland Capri preamp

Has anyone heard Jeff Rowland's new preamp, Capri, or know anything about it? It looks pretty interesting:

If no-one is familiar with this particular model, any comments on Jeff Rowland's preamps in general?

Thanks, Drubin. As I suspected. I also found directions for setting the Contentra display (which I suspect is similar to the process for the Concerto) to shut off on the website here. Officially looked like more trouble than it was worth.
the capri list for $2800 or $2700, cant quite remember.
the display can be set to display for 3 sec and then blink out or just left display mode on all the time.

the 102 has been with me for over month, left on all the time, yes, it does improve with time.

still its best left on all the time.
>>> from Nolitan (01-24-07)
>>> the display can be set to display for 3 sec and then blink out or just left display mode on all the time

Hi Nolitan,

Can you advice how to set the display in Capri with the blink function as you have mentioned ??

Thanks a lot.
Has anyone compared the Rowland Capri and/or Concerto linestages with the Audio Research Ref 3?
The Jeff Rowland Capri is incredibly musical. I'm running it with Dynaudio speakers and the result is hours of fatigue free listening. Very involving musically. The soundstage and depth is expansive, the top end is sweetly rendered with very very little grain. The amp itself is very very quiet with little grain or hum. Tonality is top notch, instruments sound like themselves and have seperation. Bass is solid. The sweetness and musicality of tubes with the drive and authority of solid state. No other way to describe than to hear it for yourself.
Mr. Rowland is an artist.