Jeff Rowland Capri preamp

Has anyone heard Jeff Rowland's new preamp, Capri, or know anything about it? It looks pretty interesting:

If no-one is familiar with this particular model, any comments on Jeff Rowland's preamps in general?

How would the Capri match with an Edge NL12.1?
(I find the Edge to have a great grip on the bass, with lots of bass detail, smooth but well-textured mids and highs,
and nothing really stands out in the entire spectrum. It has nicely rounded dense but not-too-thick images along with a moderate degree of airiness.) Thanks in advance for any thoughts or speculation.
Rgs92, I am not familiar with the Edge NL12.1. Having said that, as the Capri has very low output impedance of 80Ohm balanced and 40Ohms single ended, there is a very good chance that synergy will be good. Guido
I'll be getting a Capri with the phono boards. For the time being it will be run through the amp section of a VAC Avatar SE, 70 watts ultralinear push-pull.

I've enjoyed reading many of the threads on this preamp. I'm looking forward to auditioning it.
Clio09, I think you'll be happy. Be sure to let the Capri burn-in at least 100-hours before getting critical in your listening, that includes the phono-stage (I bought a little inverse RIAA card that allowed me to burn in the phono cards with my CDP). Keep everything running for a week and you'll have 150-hours on it before you know it.

It should be a fine match for you VAC. If you ever want to go ultra-quiet, then consider a full-Rowland set up with PFC and Rowland amps. Still, as you have planned should work well.
