Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
As far as Biggest, Baddest cables go physically, these are the Champs. They are huge and very heavy, 18 shipping weight, I have an audio friend how swears by Jorma Prime cables, he runs ICs and speakers, all his PCs are Stage III. He lives in Texas, so it's not a stone throw for me, but every so often I have business in Houston, so the door is open. I was in negotiation for Primes, which are never on resale market, that tells you something, when I got a call and an offer to audition the pair of Evolutions I have now. They were issues with grounding, thought to be a cable problem so my dealer called and the rest is history. The Tara's are something to get used to, but they, I believe live in the " Best in the World" neighborhood.... But like I say, to many others to hear in many different set-ups to crown them king, and they are a bear to handle, which as you say, can cause issues. Don't bother if you don't have King Kong binding posts, and be sure to torque them every week or so. I have Ypsilon amps, and all amps should have their posts. And lastly, I'm not sure these cables are the last word for all people, as in my set-up, they tend to be "fat" , dark, but I have tried to build a system with a lot of mid bass, so I'm probably not the best word either. Though they definitely let the music flow. I love there effortlessness and ease. And if you like things in your system that "stand out" these are for you!
Colkat, I agree with your description of the Tara Labs Evo cables. They sounded very smooth, had good flow and are very quiet, but on the dark side of neutral and seem to make the music sound bigger like horns. I was very impressed, but I don't think i'd part with my Jorma cables. The Prime xlr's & Statement sc's are his best work. I am happy with the pc's, but plan on upgrading the connectors later this year with Oyaide M1/F1's which will take them to the next level & likely match the Stage III's. Btw, is your friend Fred Crowder? We've had a few chats about the Prime cables (that was before the Statement sc's came out). The Statements are much better than my previous Prime single wires.
Oh Melbguy1, There is definitely a connection with the Jorma Primes and Marten speakers, see Dagogo, a friend visits, making my point clearer. It is so hard to say "best", but much easier to say "best with " . There is to many variables to this stuff, like I'm not stating the obvious. But, it's certainly fun talking about our stuff and how good it is to us. Some people just seem to get too excited, and when we get emotional about things, it's more difficult to be genuine and objective. But again, Biggest, Fattest, Heaviest, Thickest, the Tara's are in that conversation... And they sound pretty damn good too.
Colekat, yeah Marten use Jorma to internally wire thier speakers. For example, the Bird 2's are internally wired with Jorma No.2 cable, hence it's not a surprise Jorma cables have such good synergy. I was using Jorma Origo biwire cables with my previous Coltrane Alto's with great success.

Yes, as far as the "Biggest, Fattest, Heaviest" cables go, yes TL are in the mix, as would be PAD. But interestingly Jorma Kosky found that using the least amount of the insulation that surround the conductors results in the best sound. If they were to use more than is absolutely necessary to make the finished product strong, safe, and long lasting, it would degrade the sound.
Better not listen to a system capable of graceing the Tara lab's Grandmaster Evolution cable's, all audio nerversa will kick into over drive, likly re-morgage the house to want them, all of you are talking about the Zero evolution cable, which is a fine cable, the grandmaster speaker cable's is where the real girth is, 000 gauge 85,000 milimeter's per channel of girth, talking about the wow factor, BTW colekat, please come to the cable thread called, Tara lab's and share your impression's, many have been asking who has these cable's to answer question's etc..., Happy listening.