SS vs Tube Preamps

I am a total novice when it comes to tubes. Does it ever make sense to use a SS pre-amp with a tube amp or should one always use a tube pre-amp with a tube amp?
Good post above by Nsgarch, to which I would only add it is usually much less expensive to retube a tubed preamp than a power amp, and the tubed preamp generally gives off much less heat. Also, the bass control issue extends to tubed preamps as well as power amps, with a few exceptions, although even the really good ones do not equal the bass control and definition of the best SS preamps. However, it is very hard to equal the dimensionality and harmonics of a tube amp or preamp when using SS.
without specififying one's sonic objectives it is difficult to answer the question.

i will try.

all components are inaccurate. therefore, pick your "coloration". do you prefer a more euphonic, less detailed presentation ? do you prefer transparency ??
answering the above questions can help anyone assist you in your quest.
Robert Harley stated two things about preamplification in the latest edition of his book (The Complete Guide to High End Audio) that caught my attention. Don't quote me on this as I am working on memory, but first, was that he perferred to keep the tubes as close to the source as possible and second, that in theory, if done correctly, tube and SS preamps should sound the same.

I don't know if that would apply in practice, but my experience with tube and solid state preamplication combined with SS amplification is that in my system they are very close with the tube pre being a tad smoother on the top with better soundstage depth and the SS having greater bass control and extension. I am sure with tube rolling, the results will vary quite profoundly. Can't wait to try.
My experience matched Nsgarch's. I would only add that a possibility at the power end of things might be a hybrid. There are a few, including AVA (which I use). Depending on the rest of your system the right hybrid may provide the best of what tubes and SS can both offer to drive a speaker.
I'm of the school of thought that tubes sound the best when used at the source, or as close to the source as possible.

I've tried tubes down stream in the chain, preamps etc, and IMHO thought they sounded far superior at the source.