Bat VK-600M SE, or halcro dm-88 or MBL 9011

I am the proud ownwer of Bat Vk-600 m se monoblocks. Does anyone have an opinion of which amp is best of these?What would the sound difference between the amps?

Regards Eyolf Lund,Norway
Hello Eyolf! The Halcro's are sterile and cold sounding. They are not engaging. The MBL is a typical solid state sounding amplifier.

I think you have the best of those mentioned.

I will be auditioning MBL 9008's in my system in the next 2 weeks(they are being shipped). I am currently using Lamm ML 2.1's which I like alot. The reason that I am even considering changing is because a year ago I was presented with the same opportunity to audition the MBL 1060D in my system and was so impressed, I bought it along with the MBL 1621A and 1611E. What impressed the most about the 1060D was how detailed and musical it was(best of both worlds,tubes and SS)It will be interesting to see how the 9008's compare.
Davis, if you don't need as much power as the 9008s give, try the smaller 8011AM monoblocks.. I find these are actually better than the 9008, even though they're much cheaper! :) Marginally less grunt, but more natural-sounding. Another option would be to listen to the new 9007 amps, which are between those two in the range (but a new design; the 9008s are fairly old by now). All of these will provide more power than your Lamms.

Good luck :)

Eyolf, Halcro are way hyped in my opinion. I think they sound "dead". I'm hearing nearly only praise for BAT, but have little experience with them myself, I'm afraid. I haven't heard the 9011 but most of the others in the MBL range, and they're a must-listen. I bought the 8011AM amps myself, and I think they are a revolution. If HP at TAS would hear these, I don't know what he'd write. ;) I've done direct comparisons with his much-hyped ASR Emitter II Exclusive, and although very good it's not even close. Even the smaller MBLs are much, much better, in particular when paired with an MBL pre-amp.
Osgorth, thank you very much for your suggestions. They are much appreciated.
I have not heard BAT VK-600MSE and want to hear them. I have heard Halcro DM-88 compared to VTL Siegfried and thought Halcro sounded dry, analytical and totally unmusical. VTL Siegfried stomped all over Halcro. I own MBL9007 and this is the best solid state amp I've ever owned. It has much of the very best tube amplfier characteristics with warm, open and musical sound while having best of solid state fast, tight and controlled bass with weight. I used to own Theta Digital Citadel amplifiers as well and in comparison MBL9007 is night and day better. It would be interesting to compare MBL9007 with BAT VK600 MSE.