Help me hunt for a SS integrated
After many years of used amps I've decided to buy a new integrated. Unfortunately, I live in the tundra and the nearest audio stores are 50 miles away in Madison. Luckily, the city has several fine stores, out of which most brands can be auditioned. The problem is, I have limited time to listen--maybe once a week for a few hours--or to make trips back and forth. So I need to be focussed.
I've used Musical Fidelity, Classe and Macintosh to drive small, yet power hungry Theil 1.5s. They are supplimented by two REL Q201Es. My only source is a Classe CDP .5. My interconnects are Goertz Micropurl silver and the speaker cabling is River Cable Starflex. All power cords are 10ga hospital grade into a dedicated circuit. The room is 13 by 18 with curtained windows behind the speakers. The amp is solely for 2 channel, and it must be integrated and solid state. If possible, it should fit into the lower end of a 1K to 4K price range.
Help me save some time searching. What are my best options? Thanks.