Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???

Is this true?
It was a half-baked idea but he released it anyway because of pent-up demand. He couldn't pass on the opportunity.
tarsando, I sorry but I do not understand your response. Can you please clarify?
I talked with Peter at Pass Labs today. The XA series is about to release .5 series. So if any XA series owners I would start dumping before you take a major financial hit.

To add a .5 on your XA-160 mono block amps will cost you about $5000 per amp plus shipping round trip Ouch almost $11K for the upgrade with shipping from the East Coast !!

On a positive not the new XA-160.5, XA-100.5 and XA-200 amps are going to blow away the old XA series so I am told by Pass Labs.