The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt

The Berringer a 500 Reference Amp that can be purchased on Musican's Friend web site for 194.00( each) to your house in the US of A w/ a 2 year warranty is a KILLER. I have several amps and these are scarey. Granted they were designed overseas & built in China... However, they are 19lbs GIANTS . Don't take my word go to the "Audio Critic" web site for a full review. This is my one an only give-away . Use it or loose it. Best to 'All
Readers : From the numbers in a few days(1000+) it seens that some us are searching for true audio bargins. So why not expand the "blog" to The Best Audio for the price of dirt? My intent that we advise of audio bargins , some noted in the audio print community and on the internet, with a flow of contributions by threaders like you. Any objections ?
How about the Norh Amp 3 165 watt monoblock that look very well made for $300 each. or the Belles soloist amp and pre amp
Mbacinello : Thank you for the imput. A posting on the nOrh web site states the Le Amp has been discontinued and replaced with Le Mono Block Amp III @ $ 395 each. The Belles soloist preamp retails for $750. Does anyone have first hand experience with the Belles products , or the nOrh amps to relate to us ? A shoot-out between the 500's and the Le Amp III's might be an eye opener from either side.
Cdc: are you referring to the nOrh Le Mono Block Amp III. If so which distributer so we may purchase. Thanks