The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt

The Berringer a 500 Reference Amp that can be purchased on Musican's Friend web site for 194.00( each) to your house in the US of A w/ a 2 year warranty is a KILLER. I have several amps and these are scarey. Granted they were designed overseas & built in China... However, they are 19lbs GIANTS . Don't take my word go to the "Audio Critic" web site for a full review. This is my one an only give-away . Use it or loose it. Best to 'All
Tonight , I checked the price of the Behringer Reference Amplifier A 500 on MusicansFriend.Com. The price has increased to $199.US not including an additional 1 yr. warrenty period for $16.45 US per unit...shipping is free.

The 500's are still a bargin. Check out the web site and download the User's Manual from there or the other mentioned web site to personally read the details. What you get for the money is no slight of hand.

The 500's are but one of many options . $ for $ they are impressive.
Eldee: "There is a big difference between $30 and $159"

$159 - $30 = $129 (to be precise). Now, please stop misundertaking me when I'm trying to poke fun at you!
Earlier, I mentioned a TAS article on NAD . The article "Redefining Value" is in the 2/07 issue , page 26 by Barry Willis regarding the NAD C 325BEE Int.Amp & the C 525BEE CD Player. Excellent read.
In addition , I mentioned in a earlier thread chaining the A500's to a Oppo Cd player ($149US). I purchased the player and it put to shame 5K worth of EAD. For more of a read 1/07 TAS 2006 Product of the Year Awards - Oppo HD 970.
Well let's try and keep this quiet before they raise the price, but I can give another vote for the Behringer which I listen to as I write.

I decided to try one after my second "audiophile" version of the Sonic Impact amp was defective.

The Super T was still a fun idea, but no comparison in terms of value for money as far as I can tell.

Even the fancy version felt like a cheap sweatshop piece of junk and it clips very quickly as it has such little power. It may sound pretty good at 3 watts per channel or whatever, but I have yet to find an amp that sounds good when clipping.

For $75 more, the Behringer feels like a much bigger bargain.

It does have a cheesey plastic face and volume knobs but is otherwise suprisingly chunky, and thoughtfully packaged.

With a complementary pair of monitors, I would put one by every PC and video device in the house.

This is fun - like the good old days.


Has anyone tried their similarly bargain priced EQ's? I have considered them taboo for over 25 years, but for < $200 why not?