The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt

The Berringer a 500 Reference Amp that can be purchased on Musican's Friend web site for 194.00( each) to your house in the US of A w/ a 2 year warranty is a KILLER. I have several amps and these are scarey. Granted they were designed overseas & built in China... However, they are 19lbs GIANTS . Don't take my word go to the "Audio Critic" web site for a full review. This is my one an only give-away . Use it or loose it. Best to 'All
As mono blocks they have few contenders . For me I alternate between my Paoli SOB mono's in winter & the A 500's in summer chained to a Sp 10 MK II with mods. Yes, Yes they are transformed as mono blocks.
Is the Behringer a linear class-A/B amp or a switching amp? Their website doesn't seem to say.
The specifications page of the User's manual states the output circuitry is Push-Pull Class AB.

Just opened the second Behringer last night which I now have running in bridged mode.

So far it seems much punchier and more effortless.

However, I have noticed some tizziness in my tweeters. For this system I am using monitors which supposedly can handle a lot of power.

Is it possible these amps clip before you expect them to? and well before the clipping LED lights up?

(I sure hope I didnt damage the tweeters?!)

Also, have you found that these amps sound best with the dials in a particular position?
Cwlondon : I have never had a problem . I do use the vol. controls as gain controls @ 1/2 or so . The Amps meters should denote clipping. I have never used the Amps to clipping range. What kind of monitors are you using?