The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt

The Berringer a 500 Reference Amp that can be purchased on Musican's Friend web site for 194.00( each) to your house in the US of A w/ a 2 year warranty is a KILLER. I have several amps and these are scarey. Granted they were designed overseas & built in China... However, they are 19lbs GIANTS . Don't take my word go to the "Audio Critic" web site for a full review. This is my one an only give-away . Use it or loose it. Best to 'All
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As previously discussed, I use two "cheap as dirt" A500s in a monoblock configuration for my desktop, and a third in another office.

I use them for cable TV, CDs, DVDs, and all PC based applications including music.

In about 2 years, I have used them almost every day, and rarely turned them off even through several storms and power outages.

Recently, I wondered if the skeptics might be right as the left channel amp seemed to die, with low volume and heavy distortion in my left speaker.

Further examination, however revealed it was only a loose connection from moving my rolling rack.

So my "cheap as dirt" amps are going strong and better than ever.

I apologize to those of you who sell tweaky overpriced amps for a living while insisting that you always "get what you pay for".

According to Jim Smith's new book "Get Better Sound", identical amps with gain controls are preferred for "vertical bi-amping". I believe these amps will be able to be bi-amped in the manner Jim depicts, another plus.
The tube amps in the "Big Rig" are in for a refirb. The A-500's never sounded so delicate ... Thank you to all ... You can not appreciate how delicate the sound is following 500 hrs of break-in. Thanks ...