New Ayre MX-4 stereo power amp and new integrated

I was told at CES that Ayre is going to release a newly designed MX-4 stereo amp in the US $ 8.000,00 range (same housing as the MR-X monos) as well as new and more powerfull Series 5 integrated and a new top-of-the line pre-amp (as replacement for the K-1xe). Has anyone got infos on this rumor ?
frankpiet looks like there is no new integrated amp in any time soon. I currently have CX-7e and i wish that Ayre can produce high power integrated amp such as 200wpc? Great products by the way.
Hvu: I would love to see a BIG Ayre integrated at least at the performance level of K-1xe + V-5xe. As the Boulder 865 wasn´t released right on time I´ve bought K-1xe and V-5xe (again) and I´m very happy with the gear as it matches well with the C-5xe I´m currently using.

Nevertheless I´ll switch to Boulder 865 sooner or later as I like the idea of a limited amount of gear and cables and I find the other offerings ML 383, JRDG Concerto, Gryphon Diabolo, etc. quite booring.

Charles: probably you should think about a high performance integrated in the price range US $ 7.000,00 - 9.000,00 as your competition (Pass, Boulder (forthcoming), Gryphon, ML, Burmester) has got nice offerings in this area.

I agree that ayre cables seem to be a very good match for their equipment...and I am particularly pleased with the new speaker cables for the mono blocks...


should you go through this thread.. Is it possible to remove the umbilical of the K-1xe and to substitute it with a very high performance power cord ? Effects ?