A challenge: Reference system from 15yrs ago

I've always interested in learning about what was around during HiFi's heyday. I propose a challenge, hopefully I can learn a thing or two about older hifi in the process.

The challenge:

Build a system using components that are 15 years or older that could compete with today's absolute state of the art if possible. The components can be upgraded (new cap's for amp's) modded (for digital or analog setup's) and re-coned speakers and drivers. There is no price limit in gear. Simply put the price of yester year and today's blue book value. Most importantly have fun, cuz I hope to read about some classics.
speakers: apogee
amps:krell,threshold,bryston (apogees need POWER)
source:ANALOGUE !!!! (linn,michell,sota,VPI)
isolaion:mission isoplat w/spike feet under component
Tandberg 3012,Creek cd 60 Legacy studio monitors.As above from somebody ,maybe not sota,but will still blow away alot of new stuff.
This was my Reference System (for small ensembles) back then, and it still is today. Mind you, the Quads simply will not ROCK or do really well on large orchestral works.

-Quad ESL63 speakers
-Spectral DMC50 Amp
-Spectral DMC10 Preamp
-Sota Sapphire Vacuum Turntable
-SME Type IV Tonearm
-Cartridge of choice (Koetsu, etc.)
Tandberg amp,pre,and tuner-150wpc
Nakamichi ZX9 cassette deck
Yamaha PX-2 TT
dbx III
ADS L1530 speakers

The above was my system through the eighties.Also a Koss headphone amp. I won't trust 20 year old memories enough for comparison , but I felt it was 10K 1984 dollars well spent.
I heard the following system at High C Stereo in Virginia in the mid-1980's. I can still recall vividly how realistic it sounded.

Crosby modified Quads
ARC D-70
Linn table and arm/Koetsu Black

I don't know that things have advanced all that much since then.