Is it to much power?

I'm thinking of buying some new amps and i like the line from Pass labs.I like the x600 monos the best.My question is if a speaker is rated for 30 to 200 watts can a 600watt set of mono blocks be bad for these speakers??The speakers are Artemis EOs sig/Large bass modules.They say these speakers are capable of playing at really loud levels.I Dont really listen to my music that its hurting my ears but i dont listen at wisper levels either.
You really can't have too much power, but you can sure use too much power! I would imaging that a high quality 200wt amp would be more than you would ever need and probably wouldn't cost near as much. If you've never heard this amp and your speakers, in your house, why do you like the Pass amps? They sure look nice and they've got a great reputation but that doesn't mean you'll like them or that you need them either.

FWIW. Your money.
Those are marvelous speakers and the Pass amps should be just fine, although I have not heard them with those amps.
If the X600 monos strike your fancy, by all means go for them. There are zillions of amplifier options out there so why not choose the ones you most desire? They won't be too much power for your Artemis unless you try to clip your amps but I doubt you will do that.
