Parasound or Forte

I'm trying to choose between two solid state
amps, the Parasound HCA 1000 and Forte Model 5
to run my 4 Ohm dynamic minimonitors. I also use subwoofer.

Both are rated at 200W into 4 Ohms, but I understand the
Forte 5 features higher bias current and runs several more Watts of Class-A before going to class AB operation. I read it haslower overall feedback and is a simpler circuit.

The Parasound is a more recent model and supposedly
has better parts quality, but is a more complex design.

Have heard them in two seperate systems, but together.

I listen to Jazz & Classical, primarily acoustic music, but haven't been able to do any direct A/B comparisons yet.

Any opinions?

Frank, thanks for the correction. The print in those old issues is so small I had trouble recalling the number. :^) It looks like the 5 is also an AB design, from the description given above.
Thanks for the response.
Actually, the Forte models 4,5,6 & 7 used IGBT's and
were all done after Nelson Pass left the company. I believe it was Michael Bladelius who deigned these (he did design work with Threshold & later with CODA).
I'm iterested in hearing from anyone who has compared this amp (model 5) to other amps.
I've never heard the model 5, but I did audition a model 4 which was an amp I was after. I liked it so much I went home with a Threshold T-100 (with IGBT's), designed by Michael Bladelius the same time the model 4's were. I later purchased a Parasound HCA (don't remember the #) for the bedroom, and it basically sounded like a Japanese receiver, so I got what I payed for. If you like Michael B's work, check out Primare. He was doing design work for them the last few years until recently, I believe.
The Forte Model#6 can easily be converted to the Class A version, (mine is) the 4+6 are pretty much the same amp. I have heard my amp in the 200 watt class A A/B version and in the lower watt Class A version.
The lower watt class A version is much, much better.
I believe the Model #5 is not as high current as the #4 or #6. I believe I also have the specs. for the model 5 in my manual at home, I will take a closer look when I get home.
I have used my Modded Class A #6 with maggies MG1 imp. and resently with Eminent Technology 8A which are 83 dB and the Forte worked great with them.
If you want I can post the specs for the Model 5 later.
It wasn't in my Manual, it was the model #4,#6 + #55 that I have.
But I do have a copy of Stereo Review Buyers Guide for 1992 which has the Forte Model#5 in it.
"Noninverting design, employs IGBT transistors at output stage. Fet/bipolar front end design: gain stage in pure Class A. High bias Class A/B output stage, 100 watts per ch, into 8 ohms. glass expoxy circut boards, custom toroidal power Transformers, 0.1% THD 20-20,000 Hz; slew rate 50v input imp;47,000 ohms, current capability 10 amps cont; 30 amps peak. 26 lbs retail $1,295.
Model #4+6 current 16 amps cont; 50 amps peak