The synergy of Ayre a.k.a. the

I read many great reviews of Ayre components individually (including their amps, pre-amps, integrated amp, phono stage, and CD / universal players) but don't see many complete Ayre systems listed here on the 'gon. I would think there would be advantage to a complete Ayre system that is more than just a sum of the components. Sure, it ends the journey abruptly, but for some, that may not be a bad thing. Who has bought the "whole widget", found it not to be to their liking, and decided to go back to "mix-n-match" (with success)?
My experience in dealing with Ayre has been the same as Proth. Nothing but good.
Well I have been spinning vinyl all morning using a pretty much all but source Ayre system.
VPI Super scoutmaster/Dynavector XX2 cartridge
Ayre P-5XE phonostage
Ayre K-1XE preamp
Ayre V-1XE amp
Thiel CS7.2 speakers
All Audioquest balanced Panthers and Mont Blanc speaker cables.
This system is the best I have heard it. So smooth. So detailed. Very easy on the ears. Huge, deep sound stage. Effortless is the best way I can describe it. I am going to sell the Parasounds and use the V-1xe until I can afford the MX-R amps from Ayre.
I'll ask these again to bounce the thread to the top:

1) What's the list price of Ayre balanced interconnects and speaker cables?

2) Has anyone had Ayre mod their AX-7e so they could use a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subs with their integrated?
Dont know the answer to #2, but the the cables are $900.00 a pr. for 1M $1200.00 for 1.5M. I talked to Ayre thursday so this should be current. I have tried all Cardas Golden Ref. and Golden Cross. Didnt like either by them self or combos of the two at all. Also a variety of different Audioquest and other combos and the Audioquest Panthers run balanced everywhere but between the Pre and amp where I am using Audioquest Cheetahs has made me the happiest. Speakers cables are the Mont Blancs for now but will go to the Volcanos soon.
You should be able to get the MSRP from your dealer or simply call either Steve or Michael at Ayre directly (303.442.7300 x-233 for Steve or x-223 for Michael). The prices depend entirely on the length. From memory, however, the first meter of the Signature IC is $950, with $250 per half-meter thereafter. I know a 1 meter pair of the speaker cable is $1250 (a short length, but one reason for monoblocks is to keep speaker cables really short), and it may again be $250 a half meter on top of that.

In my opinion Ayre and Vandersteen have a real synergy. I know from prior discussions that several customers have had Ayre modify the AX-7e at the factory to mate with Vandersteens by internally inserting the necessary resistors to roll-off the base the same way Vandersteen's external crossover does. I don't know the cost, but I assume it is fair and I'm sure the results are great.

Good luck. - Pete -