You should be able to get the MSRP from your dealer or simply call either Steve or Michael at Ayre directly (303.442.7300 x-233 for Steve or x-223 for Michael). The prices depend entirely on the length. From memory, however, the first meter of the Signature IC is $950, with $250 per half-meter thereafter. I know a 1 meter pair of the speaker cable is $1250 (a short length, but one reason for monoblocks is to keep speaker cables really short), and it may again be $250 a half meter on top of that.
In my opinion Ayre and Vandersteen have a real synergy. I know from prior discussions that several customers have had Ayre modify the AX-7e at the factory to mate with Vandersteens by internally inserting the necessary resistors to roll-off the base the same way Vandersteen's external crossover does. I don't know the cost, but I assume it is fair and I'm sure the results are great.
Good luck. - Pete -
In my opinion Ayre and Vandersteen have a real synergy. I know from prior discussions that several customers have had Ayre modify the AX-7e at the factory to mate with Vandersteens by internally inserting the necessary resistors to roll-off the base the same way Vandersteen's external crossover does. I don't know the cost, but I assume it is fair and I'm sure the results are great.
Good luck. - Pete -