Looking for an integrated tube amp USA or Europe

I think about getting something for my son as his birthday is right around the corner, but most of what I see is Chinese. I won't buy Chinese, but I need a recommendation of something made in the US, Canada, or Europe.

Any ideas???



C'mon Nate, you should know the drill. What speakers? How much power needed? Price range?
Throw me a freaking bone here.......

You could grab a Cary SLI-80 for around $1500 used.

If you're looking for less power/money, how about a Manley Stingray, ARC VSi55, or a Conrad Johnson CAV-50?

John - I used a Cary for about a month and decided then that I would never buy one. Talk about lifeless and boring!

I'm trying to get a system together for my son, so there are no speakers, or anything else. I forgot about the Stingray, that's a good option. I also wondered what other companies made an integrated that I didn't know about...

Not familiar with Vista-Audio, I'll have to check into that...

Any thoughts on Prima Luna?



Well I'd certainly recommend the PL2. Its cheap, flexible sound wise because of potential tube selection, idiot proof use and maintenance wise, well built, and a fairly contemporary tube sound, albeit a bit warmer than many. I've got a PL1 (as well as a 3/5 combo which I think is great given the price) and can imagine that with the upgrade to PL2 it would be more transparent than the PL1 and ideal for a 2d system for those on a budget.

FWIW, if you can put up with a little less transparency (slightly rounded detail wise) and full but not exactly tight bass, you can do a lot worse than the PL1 w/a good detailed CDP. I've run my Wadia thru it and was quite surprised/pleased. They sure are cheap when they come up on A-Gon.

I forgot to mention, the are actually made in China under European design and supervision. This doesn't deter me but its contrary to your initial expression regarding national preference.

I know a gent who went from a VAC Avatar Super to a PrimaLuna ProLogue Two and was quite happy, though I've never heard one myself.

You could always try a Rogue Audio from Pennsylvania. There's also a Audiomat Solfege from France.
Then there is the JJ-Electronic from the Czech Republic.

From Canada you have the Space-Tech labs family.

Have fun shopping.


PS: Oh, how could I have forgotten E.A.R. products from Tim de Paravicini of England?

And don't forget to make sure it doesn't have Chinese tubes. :)