Tube upgrades for Jolida 502B?

I realize this is something that has come up before, though in searching the archives I didn't come away with a clear path forward. My amp is completely stock and came equipped with Sovtek 6550s. Using it to drive Totem Forest speakers. I contacted Jolida. They recommend KT88s. Their reply is a bit unclear but they might be suggesting Electro Harmonix. They also indicate reliability issues with Chinese KT88s. Response Audio (Jolida dealer and modder) recommends Shuguang KT88s (Chinese). The Tube Store recommended JJ Tesla KT88s on the strength of their great imaging and deep bass (more bass being something I was looking for). I was initially leaning towards SED Winged "C" 6550s. Now I am a bit more confused. I'm curious about KT88 vs 6550 sonics and reliability differences. Thanks in advance to any one willing to take the time to share their experience and preferences.
Put EH 6CA7s in that amp and it will put out more dynamics and tighter bass than with standard EL34s.
I don't think you can put EL34s (or equivalent) in a's a mostly 6550/KT88 based design.
Too late...your comment lead to hapless 502 owners all over the world blowing up their amps during xmas...likely igniting trees and festive hifis festooned with decorations (I mean...doesn't everybody festoon their hifis?) leading to holiday audiophile depression. All your fault Stevecham, or shall we call you "the Man who ruined the Holidays for Jolida Owners?"
I decided to go with th following tubes:
Gold Lion KT88s. In the 12AT7 position, the Mullard CV4024. For the 12AX7s, Tungsram ECC83. All matched and designated "platnium." Get them this week. Cant wait to hear them. HOW LONG DO TUBES TAKE TO BREAK IN???