Audio Research Cheap as Dirt?

As my beloved ARC SP-11 MK II continues to fetch big bucks on the used market, I was a bit surprised to see the low prices for later model line stage preamps.

It never occured to me to buy a solid state ARC product, but perhaps the LS3 is worth a listen for a spare preamp? Or video or desktop system?

If nothing else, it would be nice to have the same ergonomics and build quality as I have in my main system.

In the < $1000 range for systems where I will not need a phono stage, what is the hierarchy of bargains in ARC preamps?
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LS-1 sounds very good but kind of in your face. Had to knock its gain down by melting a PC board solder trace (Leonard can tell you how).
Also, needs a good quiet tube (had some that actually whistled -bummer!).

LS-9 was an excellent pre-amp. I'd say top of its solid-state price-class. Lots of features and remote.

LS-2B is in another league, however, soundwise.
Some were made with remote.
Only the "B" models are balanced.

Never heard the LS-5 but know it has a very good rep.
I had exactly the opposite experience as Arthur & wrote a detailed description about how badly the Classe preamp performed compared to the LS3 over at Audio Asylum a few years back. Guess it all comes down to system synergy.

My vote - in the right system, the LS3 is one of the best solid state line stages under $2k.

Re another league for the LS-2B - better or worse?

Nice thread - more ideas please.