Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp

After reading a recent review on Enjoy the of the Berning ZH270 amp I got the opinion that maybe it was a good substitute for a powerful SET amp. Not having heard or able to hear the Berning amp I wondered what Agoner's thoughts were.
I struggle with the thought of buying a 845 SET in that ultimately I will be disappointed by the typical SET short comings. The Berning amp still being a P/P yet OTL makes me wonder if it could be the best of both worlds.
Your thoughts are appreciated.

the Berning is not rolled off and soft. It's realistic and natural. Yes I would say it sounds like a powerful GOOD s.e.t. It has a wonderful lack of glare of any kind without losing HF resolution.

I have heard a number of very highly rated tube amplifiers and would take the ZH270 over any of them.
I agree with Airwise. The only way anyone will get my ZH270 is to pry it out of my cold dead hands!
Peter s- you are not alone. I never was "moved" by my ZH-270 even though many say it is a great match for my Merlins. I thought it was a bit dull, as in flat or emotionless. I have been told by Alan B that my choice of cabling and power conditioning were big factors in its performance. YMMV.
I'm using my berning with new quad 2805 and the sound is fantastic, the best you can get.
One thing I was really impressed about though - it is a very fast amplifier.