Advice on my audio chain

Hi, I am new in this community.
I like to listen to good music, with no extreme spending for my chain (CD, turntable, radio with a Lector hybrid integrated and B&W CDM1 speakers) and a lot of fun.
I was happy of my budget system.
Few days ago I got a real bargain on a Gryphon Linestage pre, used.
Now I am looking for a used adequate amp (I was thinking of a BAT VK 200 or something like this)to match the expected quality of the preamp.
My turntable will not change (Thorens TD 160 with a Goldring Eroica cart).
Anyone ready to change my mind on the BAT VK 200?
My budget for the amp is max 1600 dollars.I listen radio, rock, some jazz and some more.
Do you believe I should upgrade my speakers afterwards ?
Mangiaspinaci et va caga? BAT is good, a VTL ST85 would be very nice too. For speakers, you can always do better than B&W!
Do you know anything about Viktor Khomenko, the man behind BAT? Check out ARC