Back to tubes again, should have never left! Will this ever stop??
Akai Receiver
Nakamichi Stasis Receiver
Van Alstine Omega III 440HC
Electrocompaniet ECI-4 SE Integrated Amp
Spectron Musician II
Parasound Halo JC-1
ASL Hurricane 200DT
Berning ZH270
Joule Electra VZN-100
Plinius SA-102
Ayre V-5X
BAT VK-600 w/BP
McCormack DNA-500
Conrad Johnson Premiere 350SA
BAT VK-500 w/BP (currently own, favorite SS amp)
Dodd 120 tube monoblocks (ahhhhh toobz! EL34-based, borrowed these from a friend for 3 weeks, loved 'em, ordered 'em, now have to wait a couple months for my very own pair. Sweet!)