Audio Note Gaku-on

Does anybody know where I can find a review? I was thinking of buying one next time I go to sleep.

I'd love to read SOMETHING about it other than it's the best in the world. I googled and didn't find a review. Even here there were no hits when running a search.
I suppose that if one could afford either, money is not a factor, only personal preference. This stuff is unbelievably expensive.
Guys, I only wanted to read a review! If you read my post i said i'd like to buy one next time i went to sleep...which is to say, in my dreams.

but thanks for the private emails!
I just want to say that many Japanese super$$$ high end (tube) equipment are overrated, way overrated. We are not talking about normal livelike sound any longer, but a sort of highly refined but "sculpted" and transformed live sound, which doesn't longer sound live to me. But... I might be wrong of course.
