Preamp Eats tubes..

I own a sonic Frontiers line-3 preamp.The unit eats up NOS tubes.I tried Brimare and matsushita's both within 2 or 3 months the tubes started going microphonic on me.I put in the origanal Sovtek tubes and they work fine.Why does this happen with older style tubes?Are the sovtek tubes built for a tougher demand?
i know there are big changes nfrom my SFL1 and your unit, but I leave mine on 24/7 and have atleast 8 months on a used tube a fellow Agoner gave me.
Not all wines improve with age my friend....Some should not be laid down at all.
I would contact Chris Johnson at parts connection regarding your pre (he built it) I have used Amprex bugle boys and orange globe with no problem and long life with a line 3 before.
you should inspect this preamp for proper steady voltages and currents.
you can get this information or detailed schematics from as well as great technical help from chris. or you have to have it done by a qualified technician.
Assuming the preamp is not malfunctionning, you almost certainly won't have a problem if you keep your preamp powered up 24/7. It is dead wrong that running small signal tubes 24/7 shortens life -- the studies done in the 1950's proved the exact opposite. With few exceptions, such tubes last basically forever if they get past the infant mortality stage (+/- 250 hours) and are left on constantly. Counter-intuitive, yes, but true -- just like transistors, it is thermal cycles (i.e., turning things on and off) that kills electronic components. Many tube preamps also do not ramp up power to the filaments at turn-on, the tubes getting kicked in the groin when the power hits them.

Output tubes have to be turned off when not in use because they pass a lot of current and thus wear out relatively quickly.