Lamm M1.2 Reference: Tube Recommendation

Any Lamm M 1.2 Ref owners have a recommendation for the replacement of the single 6922 tube used in this amp?? If so, please describe how the substitute tube alters the sound of your amp.
Well, I assume that you would be interested in what ANY lamm hybrid owner has used. (i.e. including myself, who has a Lamm M2.1, rather than the M1.2)

I use the Amperex Orange Globe 6DJ8s - steel pins. It is a pretty good tube. A bit more musical in the mid-range, and it has a great top end too. (The decay is amazing.) I paid $40 for the pair. (Well, actually I paid $80 for a quad of them, so I figure I am set for the next 10 years!)

My friend, with the Lamm M2.2, uses the legendary Amperex PQ pinched waist white label 6922s. It is a great tube. Slightly better mid-range than my Orange Globes, but not much. He paid $350 for his pair.

I assume you know about Joe's Tube Lore on Audio Asylum.
But if you don't here is a link to it - scroll down until you get to the 6DJ8, 6922 and 7308 tubes, especially the second section. Joe has done a pretty good job of describing the sound of most of the 6922 family of tubes. (Of course, YMMV!)

Joe's Tube Lore on AA
Tpsonic and Kurt Tank: Thanks for the info, especially the website link. It has been very helpful.

My thanks to you also Kurt Tank for that website.

I am going back and forth trying to decide which Lamms to buy for my Eggleston Andra 2's. When I contacted Lamm they recommended Ref 1.2's. Any thoughts from any of you Lamm owners, what are the different characteristics between the Lamm amps?
