I have a very old pdf of a paper that Billy Woodman published which explains his driver construction philosophy. It includes plots of speaker distortion and discusses IMD distortion and the advatanges of active versus passive designs. Unfortunately, speaker distortion measurements are pretty sobering stuff - I doubt most audiophiles realize the relative amounts of distortion coming from speakers compared to the rest of their gear. (Certainly not those who spend $4 K on speaker cables and an amplfier and only $1 K on speakers.)
I have a very old pdf of a paper that Billy Woodman published which explains his driver construction philosophy. It includes plots of speaker distortion and discusses IMD distortion and the advatanges of active versus passive designs. Unfortunately, speaker distortion measurements are pretty sobering stuff - I doubt most audiophiles realize the relative amounts of distortion coming from speakers compared to the rest of their gear. (Certainly not those who spend $4 K on speaker cables and an amplfier and only $1 K on speakers.)